Monday, October 21, 2024 › | |
8:30 - 9:15 (45min)
NB : you have to be connected with your sciencesconf ID to access the online abstracts by clicking on the session then the papers
Please note that the sciencesconf ID is not the email address.
9:15 - 9:45 (30min)
Welcome Coffee
La Ruche
9:45 - 10:00 (15min)
Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
Marc Barbier ; and project team
›10:00 (1h)
Keynote : Evidence, Implications and Opportunities around Concealed Civil and Military Nuclear Obsolescence
Andrew Stirling and Philip Johnstone (University of Sussex) › Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
10:00 - 11:00 (1h)
Keynote : Evidence, Implications and Opportunities around Concealed Civil and Military Nuclear Obsolescence
Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
Andrew Stirling and Philip Johnstone (University of Sussex)
›11:05 (1h40)
› Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
11:05 - 12:45 (1h40)
Nuclear Promises
Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
Chair: Maël GOUMRI (LAMSADE/CERMES3, Université Paris Dauphine)
› From “Atoms to for Peace” to “Atoms for the Earth”: The Idaho National Laboratory and the Birth of the Green Atom
- Lucie Genay, Espaces Humains et Interactions Culturelles, Fédération pour l'Etude des Civilisations Contemporaines
11:08-11:26 (18min)
› A never-ending narrative. The grammar of technologists crafting the credibility of 'fast-breeder' nuclear technology
- Claire LE RENARD, Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés
11:34-11:52 (18min)
› Framing Nuclear Innovation: SMRs in Belgian Media
- Willem Brabants, Université de Liège, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre [Mol, Belgique]
11:53-12:11 (18min)
› Constructing the SMR promise: promissory narratives and their counter-narratives in Canada, Finland, France, and the UK
- Markku Lehtonen, Universitat Pompeu Fabra [Barcelona], University of Jyväskylä
12:12-12:30 (18min)
›12:45 (10min)
› Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
12:45 - 12:55 (10min)
Conclusion & Welcome at the école nationale des ponts et chaussées
Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
Jérome Lesueur
13:00 - 14:15 (1h15)
La Ruche
›14:15 (1h15)
› Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
14:15 - 15:30 (1h15)
Decaying infrastructures and decommissioning
Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
Chair: Pierre DELVENNE (Spiral, Liège University)
› Grasping infrastructure through microcracks. The stress corrosion case in French nuclear reactors as a nuclear material politics.
- Martin Denoun, Spiral, University of Liege
14:17-14:35 (18min)
› Unfolding the Ignalina NPP Archives: Decommission and Transitions
- Andrei Stsiapanau, Vytautas Magnus Univeristy
14:35-14:52 (17min)
› Transforming Nuclear Reactors into Waste: Decommissioning as a Practice of Residual Care in France
- Ange Pottin, Univeristy of Vienna
14:52-15:10 (18min)
15:30 - 16:00 (30min)
Coffee break
La Ruche
›16:00 (1h15)
› Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
16:00 - 17:15 (1h15)
Nuclear fuels and residues
Cauchy lecture hall - Amphi Cauchy
Chair: Harry BERNAS (CNRS, University of Paris Saclay)
› Sustainable waste and the depoliticization of the future.
- Alexis Geisler-Roblin, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris
16:03-16:20 (17min)
› Informing and complying. Information infrastructures and the management of low and very low level radioactive waste
- Romain GARCIER, École normale supérieure de Lyon
16:20-16:38 (18min)
› Securitizing for nothing? Discussing the weaponability of nuclear fuel supplies in the European Union
- Teva MEYER, Centre de recherches sur les économies, les sociétés, les arts et les techniques - CRESAT - UR3436
16:38-16:56 (18min)
Session | Speech | Logistics | Break | Tour |